
My name is Anthony

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Blog 11 In the movie Gattaca parents were allowed to pick the traits of their babies, should we be able to do this? Why or why not?

          When looking upon this question, many things controversial topics arise. Especially the idea of elitism. Now, let us first look at the benefits of this topic. When we have genetically superior babies, they will all be strong and many will be close to perfect. The world will have a new generation of super humans. Now, when examining the downsides of this topic, we can see that if this were a reality, many humans would look alike, because the "perfect" gene structure would be very similar. So if it comes to that point, we might have a generation of super humans, but they won't be distinguished. How would one separate oneself from the rest of the group if EVERYBODY is the same? This is the ultimate flaw of genetic engineering super babies. So, I believe that we should not do this based on the pure opinion that, imperfections make us humans perfect.

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